About Me

Hey, I’m Jeffrey Chang! I am a mobile engineer based in San Mateo, CA.

I work as a contractor for Google as a senior software engineer. While my role primarily includes mobile technology, I have a lot of interest in and follow web technology and data science. At work, I focus on driving empathy-driven UX, writing high quality performant code with foundations that have at their heart good modular design, clean code, and unit tests to not only reduce complexity but to manage it.

If you’re in the Bay Area and want to grab a beer, hit me up! I’m the kind of person that believes that there is something to learn from everyone, no matter how different their background or worldview is, abroad and at home in the US.


My background is in computer science and software engineering. I’ve loved software and technology since I was young. Personal computing and having an never ending knowledge source has grown with me to this day.

Outside of work, I’ve been recently started to get into backpacking to trek across new horizons on our beautiful planet. At a local level, I run and cycle to explore what is in our own backyard. A defining part of my life is having lived across the states - I’m no stranger to embracing new culture and getting out of my comfort zone. I am a born traveler and home to me is wherever there is good food and a friendly smile. I’m a nerd at heart and some of my interests include but are not limited to food, culture, social justice, environmental issues, history, biology, and Chinese culture and language.

In my free time, I like reading more about science, history and literature. I am generally am entertained and learn best when challenging myself by reading about unknown subjects and new places. Reading and travel helps remedy my wanderlust and insatiable curiosity.

Favorite Books

There are books that I treasure and keep with me. Their knowledge shapes my world view and I would love to learn what books shapes yours. If you have any recommendations, send me an email! Here are some books that I profoundly changed my world view. For a more complete list, check me out on Goodreads.

  1. Factfulness, Hans and Ola Osling.

    These savvy TED talk pioneers taught us the importance of looking at the greater picture. From the background of world health and prosperity, these Swedes gives us some mental frames to paint whatever sense of peril and chaos we feel in the age of mass media and information.

  2. 1984, George Orwell

    A high school English class favorite, Orwell embodied the characteristics of authoritarian sponsored mass delusion onto Oceania. I see more and more parallels everyday as our society becomes controlled by our screens and neoliberalism is the prevailing belief that the global order holds. There will not a day where the next where 2 + 2 will equal 5 but we all have a stake in deciding what collective truth becomes.

What I’ve been up to

Contact Jeffrey Chang